Selflessness versus the Self

Selflessness versus the Self

Basically, I’ve been paralyzed to various degrees over this issue for decades. Starting off as a spiritual seeker back in the early 1980s, it was clear from the teachers and books that the ego self was something bad that needed to be transcended—or killed—at the very...
A New Creation

A New Creation

Two metaphorical lightning bolts hit me this morning during the weekly Sunday morning class on A Course of Love. (A channeled teaching of Jesus, who clearly states it is his follow-up to A Course in Miracles.) The question came up, “How do I incorporate what I’m...
What’s the Point?

What’s the Point?

Several people have written me lately asking, basically, “What’s the point of living if all we’re doing is acting out the ego’s story?” I figured I’d post part of my answer. Here goes: Dear Janet: As best I can figure out, the point...
You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Here I am, merrily tripping along on the coattails of 36 years of intense introspection, thinking I know where all the buttons and dead bodies lie. Writing a definitive text about the ego, (and having a great agent and publisher to go with it) everything in my life...
Going nowhere

Going nowhere

Finishing up my yoga and meditation this morning I couldn’t help noticing how utterly present I was. No thinking. No direction. No needs. No “I better get going on that book or blog or email.” No need to run to the bathroom or the kitchen or the grocery store....