Cate Montana is who I am


Finding Freedom


Ever felt the world is not what it seems?

Like something other is pulling strings you can’t quite see?


Buckle your seat belt. The matrix of illusion separating you (and the rest of humanity) from love and connection is about to go bye-bye …


Next stop? The New Heaven and the New Earth that only we can create … together … once we know Who We Really Are and what has been standing in our way.

Unearthing Venus

Finding the Feminine

A deep journey of discovery into the nature of the Divine Feminine by a modern woman raised to think and operate like a man in a man’s world.

Finding Your Self

Breaking the ego spell is not about killing the ego, it’s about understanding it and learning to expand it to include everything.

Finding Love

A spiritual tale of deathless love, magic and sexual healing, Apollo & Me explodes the myths around sex and spirituality and the very nature of reality itself.


Cate will  knock your socks off. She has an uncommon ability to connect with her audiences on both emotional and intellectual levels, and that hugely helps people have the “aha” necessary to make real changes.

- John Tintera, marketing Mgr. Hay House publishing

My Writing Blog

Follow Along

The loneliness of self-responsibility

The loneliness of self-responsibility

I'm traveling on the mainland after having done an interview with Regina Meredith at Gaia TV studios in Boulder, Colorado about my latest book, Cracking the Matrix. It was a great interview, and talking about negative, interdimensional beings and their deliberate,...

Switching horses in the middle

Switching horses in the middle

Have you been feeling it? A pressing sense that something more and different is on the horizon? Something that doesn't have anything to do with anything you've previously been involved in or identified with or gotten wrapped up in before? A sea change ... a transition...

The Dream Team

The Dream Team

Confession: I recently watched an excellent interview Tucker Carlson conducted with Bret Weinstein, an ex-evolutionary biology professor-turned podcaster who is no longer employed by The Evergreen State College in my old stomping grounds of Olympia, Washington. Why...